Help Provide Medical Care for Children, Uganda

Project Leader:

Reverend Eugene(Fr.) Kalyango

Vincent Pallotti Transitory Nursing Home for persons with disabilities is in the middle of setting up a treatment room specifically for children with disabilities. The room has been provided on the main building of the center, but it still needs to be equipped with the essential drugs, instruments and furniture to make it operational. The center is transitory in the sense that children with disabilities awaiting major surgeries from service providers are first prepared at the center by providing them with all the necessary treatment so as to have successful operations and after surgery they are temporarily placed at the center for close monitoring and treatment as they undergo gradual healing before being taken back to their homes. Please help furnish this room so that as many kids as possible can improve their quality of life. A gift of $25 can help buy small surgical equipment.



of $1,000 raised

Ruth donated $50.

Mark donated $55.

Gerard donated $25.

Michael donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Patti donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Gerard donated.

Patrick donated $20.

David donated $25.

Eugene donated $25.

Mary donated $25.

Helen donated.

Anonymous donated $100.

Jean donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 helsp buy small surgical equipment
  • $20 helps buy pain medication
  • $50 helps buy a wheelchair
  • $100 helps buy OR bed

Project Updates

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Generally guardians or families are faced with a challenge of malnutrition due to the Corona Virus.

49 months ago

Orthopedic officers during the medical clinic at the center.

49 months ago

Orthopedic officers during the medical clinic at the center.

49 months ago

Joel is only left with one final review to complete the entire process. The rehabilitation team will continue with followup visits at his home and nutrition support to boost his immunity and physical activity to perfect his locomotion abilities.

49 months ago

Joel at his home filled with joy after full recovery. Thank you for supporting children with disabilities through the rehabilitation process.

49 months ago

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