Project Leader:
Reverend Jean-Claude Kianga
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish was established in Panguila, Angola, just last year in October (World Mission Month). Now, those who are on fire with the faith are eager to build upon their humble church to provide more room for all those who are interested in learning more. Currently, all religious education classes take place outside the church compound. The community is hoping to build classrooms for all students. While most live on just a few dollars a day, they are doing all they can to contribute to the success of their parish. Some have provided labor and transportation; others have cooked meals for workers, and those who can afford financial contributions, do so. As little as $20 will help to purchase cement to build the foundation of the building.
Mark donated $25.
Anonymous donated $25.
Anonymous donated $10.
Eugene donated $25.
Sandra donated $25.
Fr. Dave donated $25.
Beth donated $100.
Bob donated $25.
RAMON donated $50.
RAMON donated $30.
Ynocencio donated $25.
Gerard donated $25.
Robert donated $25.
Anonymous donated $50.
KristĂn donated $25.
Neil donated $20.
Herbert donated $10.
Anonymous donated $100.
w donated $25.
David donated $50.
Eduardo donated $25.
Dears Supportes, Thank you for your support. We finish our roms. God Bless you!
Dears supportes thank you very much for your support. I will send to you pictures. My God bless you