Support Children of Imprisoned Mothers

Project Leader:

Mr. Yormahmad Kholov

Battered by a five-year civil war at the onset of its independence, The Republic of Tajikistan has struggled with poverty and instability in the two decades since it became its own state. Here, women and children are particularly vulnerable to abuse.
The government operates 10 prisons, including one for women. Female inmates make up about 2% of the entire prison population. While exact conditions in these prisons is unknown, the U.S. State Department has gathered information indicating that prisoners face harsh and life-threatening conditions, including extreme overcrowding and unsanitary conditions.
Some female inmates are incarcerated while pregnant and later give birth in prison. Others have had to bring their babies and toddlers with them at the time they are convicted because they have not other support system. To ease the burden on these mothers and provide hope for their young children, Yormahmad Kholov is raising money through MISSIO to support ongoing efforts to improve the on-site kindergarten.



of $2,500 raised

Mary donated $50.

Anonymous donated $20.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $100.

Anonymous donated $50.

Joan donated $25.

Vinny donated $30.

Veronica donated.

John donated $50.

Liliana Maria donated $10.

Liliana donated $10.

Janet donated $12.

Anonymous donated $25.

Maria donated $25.

Mary Ann donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Patti donated $25.

Mariangeles donated $50.

Monica donated $25.

Susan donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Gloria donated $25.

Mark donated $50.

Anonymous donated $250.

Anonymous donated $150.

Edwin donated $25.

Stephan donated $25.

Vesna donated.

Jacqueline donated $100.

Anonymous donated $25.

Annette donated $25.

Anonymous donated $595.

Aaron donated $250.

Ruth donated $25.

Luzia donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Aaron donated $50.

Holli donated $5.

What your donation can do!

  • $150 Annual cost of presence one infant in kindergarten with his/her mother (inmate)
  • $250 install water heater in the kindergarten
  • $500 make permanent water supply to kindergarten

Project Updates

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Project implementations and accomplishments CT signed MOU with MOCA MOJ for running this small activity in January’ 2021. The project organized in the project site meeting with the head of the colony to orient them according to the MOU and set priorities for limited budget of the project. As a result, it was agreed to work on the following problems: 1) Fix roof problems in order to prevent rooms from getting wet; 2) Fix water access problem for the facilities (to bathrooms, kitchen); 3) Provide some kitchenware to the kindergarten kitchen Results: 1) Children and their mothers have improved roof of the kindergarten building and no linkages in rain season; 2) Kitchen, bathrooms of the kindergarten have clean pumped water all seasons 3) Kitchen has better kitchenware to cook for children; Below we give some narratives regarding the work of the project to address these problems

39 months ago

Mary donated $50.

50 months ago

Project Leader:

Yormahmad Kholov
Dear Mary, Thank you very much for supporting children living in womes' prison . God bless you

50 months ago

Anonymous donated $20.

50 months ago

Anonymous donated $50.

51 months ago

Anonymous donated $100.

51 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

Want to become a fundraiser for this project? START THE PROCESS

Rowena Dagdag


Raised: $0