Project Leader:
Reverend Patrick Mphepo
Malawi is one of the worlds’ least developed countries. More than half of the population lives on less than $0.32 cents a day – including five million children living in life threatening poverty. Climate change, food insecurity, malnutrition, HIV and AIDS, and lack of medical care continue to be grave challenges for young people and their families. Malaria, for example, is one of the leading killers of children under the age of five. One in eight children dies due to malnutrition levels. Poverty hits children the hardest and increases their exposure to harm and exploitation. Fr. Patrick is raising money to continue his ministry in the Mulanje District in Malawi where the poverty levels are among the highest in the country. He and is staff provide educational opportunities, healthcare services, and food to families and children in need. Give $25 to support this ministry in Malawi.
Erik donated $1,000.
Gerard donated $25.
Theresa donated $25.
Bob donated $25.
Jean donated $25.
Tom donated $25.
Mike donated $10.
liza donated $10.
Ynocencio donated $25.
Zofia donated $25.
Diane donated $25.
Anonymous donated $100.
Ynocencio donated $50.
Monica donated $25.
Anonymous donated $10.
Patti donated $25.
Donna donated $50.
Anonymous donated $25.
John J donated $10.
Mark donated $25.
Loida donated $20.
Leo donated $25.
Anonymous donated $50.
Anonymous donated $250.
Mary donated $25.
Jean donated $10.
Melanie donated.
Todd donated $100.
Teresa donated $25.
Catherine donated $25.
Anonymous donated $15.
Patricia donated $50.
Carole donated $25.
Teresa donated $20.
mario donated $10.
Mary Ann donated $25.
William donated $25.
tomasa donated $5.
Sara donated $5.
Ermithe A donated $5.
Benedict donated $5.