Relics and Reconciliation for Rwanda

Project Leader:

Brother Paul Porwit

Which saint would you invite to your neighborhood? And why?
In the Great Lakes Region of Africa, due to recent bloody conflict, 70% of the population is under 30 years-old. The Carmelites have been in the region for 45 years. They operate five different missions in Rwanda and Burundi. Brother Paul and his community have invited the relics of one of their most inspiring sister Carmelites, St. Theresea of Lisieux, to visit the Great Lakes Region of Rwanda in 2018 to help prepare for and commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.
The life and message of this young saint promises to connect with young Rwandan Catholics during this important event. Bringing St. Therese’s relics to Rwanda will provide hope and share the Carmelite charism during the long process of the post war reconciliation.
Brother Paul and his community of Carmelites are responsible for the care of and travel of St. Theresa’s relics during the visit. They are raising money to help cover the many different expenses including transport of the reliquary from France, security for three months, translation of Therese’s writing into local languages, Key note speakers, and the organizing of various events.
Help Brother Paul and his community of Carmelites welcome the Spirit of St. Theresa to their home and share that spirit with Rwanda.
“We will be grateful for any help you could offer us. Together in prayer.” – Brother Paul Porwit



of $2,000 raised

Robert donated $2.

Wilson donated $25.

Alejandro donated $7.

Gina donated $11.

Danny donated $100.

Alejandro donated $7.

Arkadiusz donated $25.

Jason donated $25.

Teresa donated $25.

Neil donated $25.

Alejandro donated $7.

Ante donated $25.

Poul donated $2.

Danny donated $25.

Robert donated $10.

Robert donated $7.

Alejandro donated $7.

Emanuel donated $10.

Robert donated $7.

Laura donated $160.

Robert donated $7.

Alejandro donated $7.

Robert donated $7.

Robert donated $5.

Robert donated $5.

Laura donated $50.

Alejandro donated $7.

Robert donated $10.

Jason donated $500.

Laura donated $25.

Orlando donated $25.

Robert donated $5.

Robert donated $5.

Alejandro donated $7.

Neil donated $10.

Robert donated $5.

Laura donated $25.

Robert donated $5.

Alejandro donated $7.

Michael donated $25.

Alejandro donated $7.

Drita donated.

Robert donated $5.

Robert donated $5.

Robert donated $5.

Laura donated $25.

Mary donated $10.

Bob donated $10.

Robert donated $5.

Baida donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Helps pay for transportation
  • $20 Helps pay the staff and for materials involved in pilgrimage events
  • $50 Helps pay for translations
  • $500 Helps hire security

Project Updates

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Keeping the people of Rwanda in my prayers.

76 months ago

Our project RELICS AND RECONCILIATION FOR RWANDA is already fulfilled. God bless all our supporters. Theresa is back in Lisieux and prepare herself to the next journey. Thank you being with us in your prayers. Thank you for every donation. Carmelits from Rwanda and Burundi.

76 months ago

Robert thank you for your participation in this event

76 months ago

Robert donated $2.

76 months ago

Every part of Burundan society was touched by the message of Thérèse

76 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $20 total raised so far

Want to become a fundraiser for this project? START THE PROCESS

Orlando Coré


Raised: $0