Build A Church In Senegal

Project Leader:

Hilaire Nakigane

Looking for a personal story of witness and desire to build up the Church that moves you to give $25? With out further ado… “I grew up in a village named Tambacoumba located in southern Senegal. When the Christian missionaries came, they shared the teachings of Jesus with us. The strong Christian faith in my village is the result of missionary work. The people in my village are very poor, but rich in heart. I remember how we used to gather every Sunday morning in the yard of a house to pray. Each one of us would bring something to sit on. We collected money each Sunday for years, but it was only enough to build a very small church that is still not finished. We need to fix the roof. We need benches. We need an electrical generator. And we need to paint it. Our church is called Saint Dominique, and it is part of diocese of Ziguinchor. I left my village and live in Wisconsin now. Missio will send the money raised for this project to the local bishop so it reaches my village. My people in Tambacoumba long to sit in a church of their own to praise the Lord. Thank you for helping my village build their church. God bless you all.” ~ Hilaire Nakigane



of $1,500 raised

Robert donated $10.

Robert donated $10.

Robert donated $10.

Robert donated $10.

Robert donated $20.

Lorraine donated.

Robert donated $20.

Robert donated $20.

Becky donated $50.

Michael donated $50.

Lorraine donated.

Joseph donated $20.

Patricia donated $20.

Michael donated $250.

Andrew donated $150.

Michael donated $250.

Victoria donated $20.

Don donated $100.

Laura donated $20.

Raymond donated $50.

Victor donated $20.

Andrew donated $20.

Robert donated $20.

Victoria donated $50.

Karla donated $50.

Craig donated $20.

Susan donated $100.

Robert donated $20.

What your donation can do!

  • $20 Helps buy paint
  • $50 Helps buy benches
  • $250 Buys a generator

Project Updates

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Robert donated $10.

90 months ago

Hilaire shared.

90 months ago

Susan shared.

90 months ago

Robert donated $10.

91 months ago

Robert donated $10.

92 months ago

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All Fundraisers: $0 total raised so far

Want to become a fundraiser for this project? START THE PROCESS

Susan Nakigane


Raised: $0