Project Leader:
Pope Francis
South Sudan is hard hit with famine. Conflict and unrest have added to the crisis. Families are seeking shelter, food and care in Catholic hospitals and various health centers. Others are fleeing in search of safety and food. Right now, 40% of the country’s population is in need of immediate assistance, or they may die of starvation. Catholic priests and Sisters are reaching out to bring food, care and supplies to these communities. Put resources in the hands of these first responders so they can help save lives.
Ana donated $25.
Kathie donated $20.
Daniel donated $50.
Patricia donated $50.
Sophie donated $25.
clay donated $25.
Cheiryl donated $10.
Sandra donated $10.
JD donated $25.
Car donated $50.
Alvin donated $25.
Carol donated $50.
Silvia donated $1,000.
Michael donated $25.
Iris donated $50.
Anonymous donated $50.
Claudia donated $50.
Anonymous donated $25.
Leo P donated $50.
Donald donated $50.
donna donated $10.
Anonymous donated $500.
Jean donated $50.
Anonymous donated $100.
Patrick donated.
Jain donated $25.
Stephen donated $50.
Gerard donated $50.
Phyllis donated $50.
Maryanne donated.
John donated $100.
Augusta donated $50.
Robert donated $100.
Fr Mike donated $25.
Mary donated $100.
Steve donated $50.
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Raised: $0