Help Buy Tanks to Store Safe Drinking Water, Kenya

Project Leader:

Sister Sr. Linet Ijai

There is scarcity of water supply and children are forced to walk about two kilometers to fetch water in the river. This is risky because of the busy roads with motorbikes which cause fatal accidents. They are also incredibly young to carry water from the far distance. The school has roof catchment, and the place has enough rainfall but not enough to keep in the current water reservoir. A gift of $25 will help us buy water gutters and water tanks. We shall appreciate all of your prayers and financial support.



of $5,000 raised

Joshua donated $59.

David donated $25.

George donated $50.

Susan donated $100.

Judy donated $200.

Stephen donated $50.

Michael donated.

Jean donated $50.

David donated $5.

Mark donated $25.

Therese donated $25.

Anonymous donated $1,000.

Jean donated $50.

Rose donated.

Louise donated $50.

Amy donated.

Vicki donated $50.

Georgianne donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Stephen donated $250.

John donated $15.

Helen donated $200.

Pat donated $50.

martha donated $25.

Jeannie donated $50.

Therese donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Hilda donated $50.

Edna donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

imad donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Charles donated $50.

Elsa donated $25.

Stephan donated $25.

Pat donated $100.

Mary donated $25.

Helene donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Terri donated $25.

Ruth donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Maria donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Nancy donated $50.

Charlotte donated $25.

Mark donated $50.

nancy donated $25.

Silvia donated $25.

What your donation can do!

  • $50 helps buy water treatment kits
  • $150 helps buy commercial water tanks
  • $250 helps secure transport and labor

Project Updates

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Hello team, I want to say Abigail thank you for the support you accorded me to purchase tanks for storing safe drinking water. I received funds in the month of May and used the money to buy four tanks, the guttering system, chemicals to treat water and made slabs to stand the tanks. We can now harvest and store rain water. Thanks big. The only challenge that we faced was that the prices of materials went up and so we did not reach our target. However students and the entire family of St. Francis Hambale is very happy about the progress of safe drinking water. The project has reduced wastage of time walking to the river , the academic performance of of learners and has enhance clean and safe drinking water. The community has too expressed their gratitude that this project has assisted their children to settle in school. It will carry us far that even the water borne diseases will be reduced. We had constructed few slabs earlier as our local contribution. They might look old but the tanks are new. Our population is big so we shall still ask for more tanks in future. We have no better words to express our gratitude than just to say THANK YOU!!

31 months ago

Joshua donated $59.

36 months ago

Project Leader:

Sr. Linet Ijai
Hello Joshua, a very big thanks for your support to help hit the target of buying 3 water tanks, guttering and puping. Thanks alot a d God bless your generosity.

36 months ago

For all supporters of this project, kindly receive our deepest appreciation. May God reward you a hundred fold. Soon we will solve water problem to a certain extent. Thanks

36 months ago

In a special way, I wish to thank deep Gorge and David for the generous support towards this project. We appreciate your gesture which will see us providing water soon for our students. Be blessed

36 months ago

David donated $25.

36 months ago

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