Construction of a Parish in Madagascar

Project Leader:

Miss Raheliarisoa Hantamalala

The faithful of Ambohibary Sambaina in the Diocese of Antsirabé in Madagascar are in need of a Church structure to gather and hear the Gospel. There are currently 150 members and not all can meet under the same roof because their space is small. Still, many gather every Sunday evening to pray. There is much work to be done. The safe, construction of a countryside parish will be help spread God’s abundant love. Please consider supporting this work. A gift of $25 can help buy bricks and cement.



of $5,000 raised

Anonymous donated $100.

Anonymous donated $100.

Gerard donated $25.

David & donated $50.

Beth donated $50.

Mark donated $25.

Suzanne donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Joseph donated $50.

Joseph and Ruth donated $25.

Brandi donated $100.

Theresa donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Thomas donated $25.

Rosa donated $100.

Anonymous donated $1,000.

Mike donated $12.

Helen donated $50.

Sugi donated $100.

Anonymous donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Karina donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Maria donated $5.

Ann donated $25.

Anonymous donated $25.

Ivete donated $50.

Tom donated $10.

Denise donated $25.

Astrid donated $100.

Anonymous donated $50.

Laura donated $100.

Anonymous donated $50.

Mark donated $50.

Margus donated $25.

Edwin donated $25.

Timothy donated.

Carole donated $50.

Kathleen donated $50.

What your donation can do!

  • $50 helps buy cement
  • $100 helps buy bricks
  • $150 helps buy tools
  • $250 helps transport materials

Project Updates

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thank you again for your donation

19 months ago

19 months ago

But as you see through the photos, the Church has not been completely finished, we still have the finish, the windows and the doors and then the chairs. we still have a lot to finish. Thank you very much for your help. Raheliarisoa.

19 months ago

Dear benefactors, Ho are you doing? our apologies for the delay in this report. we started building the Church with the donation you raised for us: $5,017. I will send you the photos. With your participation we were able to buy cement, gravel, sand, iron, sheet metal, the mason's salary and their food. so, we the Christians of Ambahibary have the joy of expressing our gratitude to you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you very much for your generosity and may God, rich in all grace, fill you with his infinite blessing and his free love. thank you very much.

19 months ago

Hello everyone, We are very happy for your help. thank you so much for your generosity. My God bless you and protect your life . Thanks a lot.

40 months ago

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