Project Leader:
Ms. Felicia Monjeza
The project hopes to contribute to the strengthening of the preventive interventions to help in reducing further transmission of the Corona Virus. The project will be implemented in all the 8 dioceses where the Catholic Women Organization (CWO) operates: Lilongwe, Mangochi, Blantyre, Dedza, Zomba, Mzuzu, Chikwawa and Karonga. The project intends to intensify sensitization and awareness on COVID-19 issues through production of posters and community instruction / education. A one-day orientation training with CWO National Committee will be conducted at nationwide level so that women have effective and increased knowledge of COVID-19 and will be capacitated to extend response in their respective dioceses at all levels. The project will also procure washing soap and sanitizers for further protection and prevention of the pandemic. Each community in the diocese will have poster and cleaning outposts targeting 10,000 people and beyond in all the dioceses.
Catholic Women supported four parishes of St. Patricks, Mtima Oyera, St. Marys and Lunzu together with their outstations with 4000 washable masks, conducted two orientation and meetings at diocese level and four orientation and training meetings at parish level, distributed 40 foot operating hand washing facilities, distributed 400 hand washing sanitizers and 340 hand washing soap, shared 2000 educative and informative posters, conducted two radio programs to educate and inform people about Covid-19 but also conducted 4 masses on radio Maria to encourage believer, revive their hope and cast out fears among those that were infected and affected. CWO further used Public Address System to raise awareness in communities surrounding all the parishes and its outstations. CWO is pleased to learn that people are adhering to the preventive measures of covid-19 such as wearing masks in public places, observing social distances during gatherings, washing hands regullry and other guidelines as directed by the government.