Project Leader:
Reverend Rev. Fr. Denis Ocanda
Fr. Denis Ocanda is raising money to send five more young women in the Diocese of Nebbi in Uganda to high school. The diocese helps to fund the education of young women beyond primary school with a few scholarships. $200 pays for a year of school for one young woman – many of whom have no families to support them. Fr. Denis believes that the entire community benefits when young women are empowered through education. His long-term goal is to provide scholarships for 50 more scholarships for young women in the coming years. Communicate directly with Fr. Denis below to let him know you support this scholarship, and the others to come. Give $200 to send a young woman to high school.
Joshua donated $224.
Anonymous donated $50.
John donated $50.
Valerie donated $100.
Gerard donated $50.
Mark donated $25.
Vivek donated $25.
Anonymous donated $100.
Jeannette donated $50.
Elizabeth donated $25.
Victoria donated $50.
Pat donated $100.
Curt donated $50.
Michelle donated $100.
Jennifer donated $50.
Tom donated $5.
Edwin donated $25.
Jacqueline donated $50.
Mary Ann donated $50.
Annette donated $50.
Katarzyna donated $100.
Vicki donated $100.
Lauro C donated.
Joan donated $50.
Vicki donated $50.
Primo donated $25.
Juliana donated $100.
Marge donated $50.
Victoria donated $25.
William donated $100.
George donated $25.
Terry donated $250.
Maria donated $10.
Anonymous donated $7.
Peter donated $50.
Alan donated $25.
Don donated $25.
Anonymous donated $600.
Loretta donated $50.
Elpidia donated $100.
Anonymous donated $25.
Anonymous donated $250.
Dear Missio brothers and sisters, greetings from Nebbi in Northern Uganda. Thanks for the 5,000$, to which each of you contributed, for the education of the girl child in rural Nebbi Catholic Diocese. came to 17,500,000 Uganda shillings. The girls who benefitted are 28, with each one helped with 625,000 Ugx, for the school fees of third term 2022, their final year of what in Uganda is Senior Four, at the end of which there are the national examinations leading to the award of the Uganda Certificate of Education(UCE). They will sit for these from the 14th Oct 2022. The girls and their home people are very grateful. At least they will get what is the bare significant minimum in Uganda, the UCE. We pray God opens more hands and hearts, that these 28 girls are able to proceed with education. We are all happy except now we don't know how these innocent ladies will proceed after here. May God touch other people to help. Otherwise these girls may end up in early marriage, meaning an oblique future awaits them just next door. God bless all of you dear missio friends. I remain Fr. Denis OCANDA, +256 772870528.
Greetings and thanks to all who generously contributed towards the realisation of this project. The apostolic munciature in Uganda sent the 5,000$ to the Bishop of Nebbi Catholic Diocese, who handed the money to me for the project SEND A YOUNG WOMAN TO ACHOOL IN UGANDA. I am.very very grateful. The next few weeks, I will send you full narrative, pictorial and financial report. Of course money is not sufficient but it wil go a long way to help these innocent children get some education even if just for some time. To keep them in school always, we need this 5,000$ annually. So, where this money will stop is where the education of these children will also stop. It's painful but that's it as we have nowhere else to turn. You have done your part. I can't step in the same water twice. These ladies will most likely then remain home and surrender to despair. Ir is most they wil marry. We keep in touch in respect. God bles you all. Fr. Denis OCANDA,
Dear Joshua and the anonymous donors, thank you very very much for your heart and concern With your contribution, the target 5,000$ has been reached. When schools reopen on the 10tj January 2022 after nearly two years of no school in Uganda due to covid, some girls will be sure of education thanks to your contribution. We find ourselves in very tough situations and we can only survive with the help of kind people like you. May God who provides give you more and bless you with long life, good health and more opportunities for prosperity.