Build a Science Classroom in Uganda

Project Leader:

Reverend Denis Ocanda

In 2014, Fr. Denis opened a secondary school in an old church for the children in the villages of Nebbi. The nearest secondary school for children in these remote villages is 16kms away. Without Fr. Denis’ school, the opportunity for education ends at primary school. As a result, early marriages, teen pregnancy, and unemployment are common. When school ends, so do many of the options for children in Nebbe. When Fr. Denis build his school, he partitioned the old church into three rooms. Two for classes, and the other became his office. This year, Fr. Denis’ small school has 215 students. He is building an extension to include a science classroom, and needs your help. The residents of Nebbi have donated time, money, and materials to get started. Give $25 to help provide science education in Nebbi.



of $5,000 raised

Robert donated $858.

Joan donated $25.

Anonymous donated $40.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $25.

Liliana Maria donated $10.

Eilleen donated $25.

Carol donated $15.

Mark donated $50.

Mike donated $20.

Mark donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Maria donated $10.

Robert donated $40.

Stephan donated $25.

Anonymous donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Edwin donated $25.

Thomas donated $50.

Patti donated $50.

Gerard donated $50.

Mary donated $50.

Gina donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Larry M donated $50.

Jamon donated $50.

Mark donated $50.

Carole donated $50.

Anonymous donated $50.

Robert donated $40.

Nancy donated $50.

Robert donated $40.

Mary Ann donated $25.

Robert donated $40.

Cathy donated $25.

Robert donated $40.

Mary donated $100.

Robert donated $40.

Robert donated $40.

Robert donated $40.

Robert donated $100.

Robert donated $50.

Joan donated $25.

Robert donated $40.

Robert donated $1,000.

Robert donated $100.

Robert donated $100.

Robert donated $100.

Robert donated $25.

Robert donated $100.

What your donation can do!

  • $10 Helps buy roofing nails
  • $50 Helps buy iron sheets for roofing
  • $250 Helps buy wood for roofing

Project Updates

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I admire everything you do and feel sad I can't give more .... but onwards and upwards, we'll all be better and feel better for what you do

39 months ago

The science laboratory was built. The money you missio friends gave was for building and tiling the worktops, installing the gas line and for the ceiling. I am sorry I am reporting rather late. There is a U-shaped block which has distinct rooms for Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Agriculture. Then there is the teachers' preparation room and Science teachers' staffroom. Water, electricity(from solar) and gas are all in order and working. The rural school is now offering education to children for whom the only secondary school was 16 kms away. Thank you missio friends and partners. May God replenish your sources, give you good health and long life. The school still has many challenges though, aware that we began it in an old church in 2014: classrooms, dormitories, staff houses, dining hall, kitchen, and many others. May God open for you hands and hearts, and opportunity, that you are able to help us.

40 months ago

Dear Robert, my heartfelt gratitude to you for your distinguished kindness. Only God can indeed reward you. May this generosity of yours be greeted with all sorts of endowments from God our father.

55 months ago

Robert donated $858.

55 months ago

Dear anonymous donor, may God reward you for your generosity, may Mother Mary intercede for you for peace and every good from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am extremely grateful. I assure you of my fervent prayers.

55 months ago

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