Project Leader:
Very Reverend Rev. Fr. Benedict Onwugbenu
The Justice, Development and Peace Commission in Benin City, Nigeria sponsors advocacy programs to bring attention to the marginalization of women society, the exploitation of women in the sex trade and the violence against women and girls in Nigerian homes. The most recent conference was held in 2015. Father needs your help to continue this most valuable work.
Catherine donated $475.
Anonymous donated $25.
Catherine donated $640.
Catherine donated $100.
Sheila donated $10.
Catherine donated $200.
Catherine donated $50.
We wish to thank Missio and al donors for the donations towards the on going project "Support Women's Right Campaigns. This projects have actually exposed what women go through and the project have given them the opportunity to be a voice in their respective areas. In the course of the project, we came across women that are suffering from Neglect and hunger and many are widows with children to care for. JDPC Benin went the extra mile to provide food stuff for the women and also gave soft loans for some of them to start business and so become bread winners in their families. The disbursement of food items was made possible through the Archbishop Most Rev. Augustine Akubeze because he released food items to be shared to the women through JDPC, Benin. Sensitization was done in schools and market places. The schools were chosen because there was need to catch them young and also allow the girl child to be properly informed on their rights. We also held community meetings and also had interactions with women groups. We are grateful to missio for the release of funds to speak and support the rights of women. Knowing that knowledge is power, we seek to continue the project and we seek the support of Missio in this regard to bring the message of the rights of women to the interior part of the Archdiocese as the project reaches all without religious affiliation.
Wow...You are all wonderful. You helped us reach our goal. I appreciate every donations and support you have given. I will upload pictures of what your support is doing in the lives of women. Thank you once again and God bless you.
Fr Paul, I hope and pray you have a very successful Campaign. God bless you and the work you do for taking care of, and speaking up on behalf of our vulnerable sisters of this world.