Project Leader:
Mr. Gregory Mitchell
Over 700 million people worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water. More than half are in sub-Saharan Africa. Gregory Mitchel and St. Bryce missions is working in Dar Es Salaam, an extremely poor community in Tanzania, to drill 10 wells to provide safe, clean water. Give $25 to help them build the first!
stephanie donated $10.
Mark donated $1,496.
Mark donated $25.
jonathan donated $75.
Kristín donated $10.
jonathan donated $50.
Anonymous donated $100.
Anne donated $20.
Ralph donated $25.
Kenneth donated $25.
Monica donated $25.
Michaela donated $25.
jonathan donated $100.
Barb donated $25.
Anonymous donated $250.
Alan donated $25.
Bob donated $25.
Gina donated $25.
Wilson donated $25.
Ana donated $100.
Susan donated $5.
Anonymous donated $50.
John S donated $10.
Amy donated.
Anonymous donated $25.
Bridget donated $200.
Michaela donated $20.
Christopher donated $25.
Taylor donated $11.
jill donated $25.
Todd donated $60.
Kevin donated $10.
Ryan donated $25.
Fatima donated $50.